Bleasdale Adelaide Hills Riesling 2022
Adelaide Hills
From the second oldest family winery in Oz, this is wonderfully fresh white. It's pure Riesling from one of Australia's best regions for this grape – the cooler Adelaide Hills. 2018's Winemaker of the Year has created this riveting, lime-crisp white.
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The Wine
Bleasdale Vineyards have been proudly owned by the Potts family for five generations. Founder Frank Potts was UK born, in Hounslow, and joined the Royal Navy at the tender age of 9! He started his career as a powder monkey and travelled the world several times, before settling in South Australia in 1836. He started as a carpenter, but in 1850, on seeing a great plot of land near the town of Langhorne Creek, he and his new wife, settled and began farming. Theirs became the first winery of this region. Weathering the many storms of the 20th century, they've prospered under the guidance of Paul Hotker, Winemaker of the Year in 2018. He joined them in 2007, since when they've won 60 Trophies. This is their pure, lime-fresh Riesling, a delight.
Bleasdale Vineyards have been proudly owned by the Potts family for five generat...

Crisp and zesty, lime-fresh, dry Riesling – a classic from this 170-year-old family winery
Dan Parrott
Buyer for Australia
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