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On Offer Mixed Wine Cases
- £131.88 per caseSAVE £48.00
- Wines you can pour with confidence ... just £7.49 a bottle£112.35 per caseSAVE £30.50
- Lusciously fruited Chardonnays of the world£107.88 per caseSAVE £40.00
- £131.88 per caseSAVE £27.00
- Meet the richest, darkest reds in our cellars ... all with a big saving£131.88 per caseSAVE £12.00
- Featuring three of our most popular wines, this gift is sure to please red wine fans£35.00SAVE £6.97
- The world’s most easy-going white – cool, crisp, and oh-so refreshing Pinot Grigios£99.99 per caseSAVE £14.89
- Enjoy the mighty Malbecs of Argentina – at a great price!£119.88 per caseSAVE £19.00
- Hearty, full-flavoured reds from outstanding producers in the Rhône£119.88 per caseSAVE £33.00
- Rosé you can pour with confidence ... just £6.99 a bottle£112.35 per caseSAVE £29.50
- Lip-smacking Sauvignon Blancs from around the world£107.88 per caseSAVE £30.00
- £119.85 per caseSAVE £52.50
- £53.94 per caseSAVE £6.00
- Experience some of world’s finest reds at limited-time clearance prices£99.99 per caseSAVE £81.01
- £119.88 per caseSAVE £34.00
- Whites you can pour with confidence ... just £7.49 a bottle£112.35 per caseSAVE £42.50
- This exclusive case has been put together by the Averys Events Team£99.99 per caseSAVE £45.89
- Full-flavoured luxuries from Portugal, the land of flavour-loaded Black Reds£77.94 per caseSAVE £34.02
- £83.94 per caseSAVE £25.01
- £89.94 per caseSAVE £20.00
- Thirst-quenching white wines customers can't get enough of ... no wonder they're fridge favourites£99.99 per caseSAVE £25.89
- Enjoy a world tour of Merlot's silky, plum-laden charms at a not-to-be-missed price£95.88 per caseSAVE £33.00
- Reds you can pour with confidence ... just £7.49 a bottle£112.35 per caseSAVE £17.50
- Raise a glass to great value with our sparkling six£59.94 per caseSAVE £14.00